Numerous individuals choose to live with an overbite and avoid treatment. For instance, the late rock legend Freddie Mercury chose to retain and accept his extreme overbite. For others, addressing this problem entails just improving their occlusion (dentistry) in order to enhance their aesthetic look. Others, on the other hand, may need treatment to prevent consequences such as jaw problems and tooth and gum damage.

What is an Overbite? | What Causes Buck Teeth? | Types of Overbites | What issues does Buck teeth cause? | Fixing Buck Teeth

What is an Overbite?

When the upper teeth protrude excessively beyond the lower teeth, an overbite or buck teeth arises. The majority of individuals have some degree of overbite, which is hardly perceptible and has no effect on their biting or dental health.

When the issue becomes severe enough, it may result in irreversible tooth damage and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Severe buck teeth may also have a significant effect on the face shape, resulting in psychological problems and poor self-esteem. Our dentist at Elsinore Smiles can permanently correct your overbite by straightening your teeth.

What Causes Buck Teeth?

Although the reason is often inherited and may be handed down through generations, external influences can compel the teeth to migrate.

Thumb Sucking

While sucking the thumb is natural for a child, if it persists over the age of three or four and throughout the development of their permanent teeth, the pressure created by sucking the finger might cause the permanent teeth to come in at an unnatural angle.


Similarly to thumb sucking, sucking a pacifier may induce it. Pacifier usage increases the risk of malocclusion, according to the 2016 Journal of the American Dental Association.


When the tongue is pushed forward far enough in the mouth, it typically pushes the teeth forward as well. This often leads in an open bite malocclusion, but may sometimes result in buck teeth.

Teeth Grinding

Many individuals grind their teeth subconsciously. Teeth grinding is a pretty typical occurrence during sleep. Bruxism is often the source of an overbite, which may subsequently result in significant jaw and head discomfort. Teeth grinding may also result in early tooth enamel degradation, which can eventually result in tooth decay.

Missing or Impacted Teeth

Teeth spacing or crowding may result in the front teeth being misaligned. When a tooth or two are missing, the remaining teeth begin to move, changing the position of your teeth.

Inadequate space for the teeth may also contribute to alignment problems.


Certain individuals are born with an uneven jaw or with an underdeveloped upper or lower jaw. Overbite is a genetic condition, which means that if your parents, siblings, or other relatives have one, you may as well. Read more about align your teeth.

Tumors and cysts of the mouth or jaw

Tumors and cysts in the mouth or jaw may cause your teeth to become misaligned and your mouth and jaw to change form. This happens when chronic swelling or bone development in the top area of the mouth causes the jaw to move forward.

Additionally, prolonged nail biting and chewing on hard things such as pens, pencils, and other objects may result in an overbite.

Types of Overbites

Vertical – It occurs when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth sufficiently.

Horizontal – This happens when the top teeth protrude over the bottom teeth.

A patient may demonstrate both vertical and horizontal overbite symptoms. Additionally, dental or skeletal might be used to describe it. When teeth cause buck teeth, it is a dental issue. When the jaw is the source of the problem, it is classified as skeletal.

What issues does Overbites can cause?

If left untreated, this condition may result in tooth loss, crowding, flossing and brushing difficulties, discomfort when chewing, cross bite, headaches, gum disease, or periodontal disease. To keep your mouth healthy, it is necessary to practice diligent dental hygiene and schedule frequent checkups.

Fixing Buck Teeth/Treatment for Overbite

In most cases, you will need orthodontic treatment since medicine alone will not be able to cure it. It is simpler to treat in youngsters since a child’s jaw is still developing. Adults, on the other hand, will struggle as if they did not get any therapy up to this point. The symptoms will be more intense.

In any situation, the professional will inspect the affected region and provide recommendations for therapy. These therapies may continue up to two years, and in some cases, longer. See cosmetic for teeth. It is the easiest, quickest, and most economical way to fix gapped teeth issue.

The following dental procedures may be recommended by your orthodontist (one of the several medical specialties):


  • To improve the jaw’s position, a growth modification device is used.
  • Baby teeth are removed to create way for permanent ones to develop.
  • Dental Braces
  • Retainer (orthodontics)


  • Tooth extraction – your orthodontist may attempt to avoid this surgery entirely and will only recommend it if the condition is serious enough. Your orthodontist may attempt to avoid this surgery entirely and will only recommend it if the condition is serious enough.
  • Braces – the best method to correct this condition.
  • Surgery – for skeletal-type problems, surgery is recommended.

Elsinore Smiles can help treat your overbite and get you the smile you always wanted.

Avoid living with an overbite if you can avoid it. Make an appointment now to determine what it will take to have you smiling brightly and enjoying good dental health.