Gapped teeth may cause anybody to lose confidence and feel self-conscious about how they smile, which can be quite destructive to a person’s life. Many people are afraid that they will not be taken seriously, especially in a professional context, and that their impressions may suffer as a result. Aside from their unsightly appearance, gaps between the teeth or diastema increase the risk of developing gum disease, gathering bacteria, overlap and building plaque or tartar, which may ultimately lead to tooth decay or cavities.

What is Diastema? | What Causes Gaps Between Teeth? | Treatments for Diastema

What is Diastema?

The spaces or gaps between two teeth are referred to as diastemas. They often develop between two incisor teeth, although they may occur between any two teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA) reports that up to 25% adult cases have some level of this trait.

The cause of the additional space is a size mismatch between the jaw bone and the tooth size. There will be apparent spaces between two teeth if they are too small for the jawbone. On the other hand, if they are too big, they will get congested. Genetics often have a relation in jawbone size.

Spacing issues may arise for a variety of reasons, including:

  • When a tooth is missing, small, or has an uneven shape, space may cause. A dental implant is an excellent replacement for a lost tooth in adults or patients who have experienced tooth loss.
  • Childhood habits like thumb-sucking might push it ahead, causing gaps.
  • Spaces form as a result of improper swallowing reflexes. When swallowing a part of food, most people’s tongue presses against the roof of their mouth. Others’ swallowing reaction is pushing against the front. This is known as tongue thrust, and the pressure will drive it forward over time, causing the space to form.
  • Periodontal gum disease is another probable reason. It is a condition that causes bone loss, thus there will be inadequate bone to support the teeth in the mouth. It may occasionally result to gum infection. Gingivitis, on the other hand, is a minor type of gum disease that causes swelling in the gingiva. This inflammation leads to bone loss. If a patient has lost a lot of bone, it will become loose. A gap between teeth might form as a result of the movement.

What Causes Gaps Between Teeth?

Gaps between teeth may arise in a variety of ways. Tongue thrusting or thumb sucking, which is fairly frequent in children, is one way gaps in teeth occur. Those who force their tongue on their teeth while swallowing may develop a gap in their teeth over time. A child who takes a pacifier or has the habit of sucking their thumb is at risk of developing gaps in their teeth, which may impact their dental health in the long term. A gap may result if you are missing infant teeth and are required to maintain them for as long as they are healthy.

If the labial frenum grows between the two incisors, it might become detached and cause a gap. This is the little flap that links the top lip to the gums. However, the labial frenum must be sufficiently massive to provide ample room. The movement of the gum tissue below its normal position and between the central teeth will aid in the prevention of closing gaps. If the teeth are too little for the available space, they may spread out and cause a gap to occur. Different factors, such as your dental habits, might contribute to gap teeth.

Treatments for Gapped Teeth

During the initial consultation, Dr. Puri DDS will list and explain the various techniques for closing a gap tooth as well as determining which treatment option best suits your dental requirements. That is why you need not be concerned since at Elsinore Smiles, the following makeover for teeth gap are available:


They are custom-fit to your smile, making it an effective procedure for diastema closure with invisalign transparent aligners. Apart from closing gaps in the teeth, these aligners provide a slew of additional advantages. They may fix a variety of dental issues, including bite problems, crooked teeth, malocclusion, and other alignment issues. After a number of appointments, your orthodontist will use the aligner trays to gently move the teeth closer. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment in which a set of invisible teeth braces is exchanged every two weeks. This process is repeated until your teeth are perfectly aligned. A retainer will thereafter be used to keep your new teeth alignment. Ceramic braces for gap teeth are another discrete choice. Know about can invisalign correct gaps?

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that cover the front of your teeth. This shell is excellent at concealing flaws. Veneers for gap teeth are well-known and efficient cosmetic dentistry treatment options for this type of issue.

Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding for gaps will take less than an hour to finish. Your dentist will choose a composite color that closely matches the color of your teeth and will carefully mold the resin material to cover the tooth gap. The front tooth filling or gap filling will make your teeth look brand new.

Dental Crowns

Crowns or tooth caps may be used to cover the whole tooth and close gaps between teeth. Fixing gap teeth with a crown will not only enhance the appearance and quality of your teeth, but you won’t have to worry about it slipping off since it’s permanently bonded.


The tissues that link the top lip to the gums (labial frenum) might get enlarged and extend between the front teeth. This might result in frenum problems or gaps between teeth. If this is the case, your doctor will perform a frenectomy. The purpose of this treatment is to minimize the enlarged labial frenum. The space is then filled with orthodontic treatment. Learn more about underbite and overbite.

The tissues that connect the upper lip to the gums (labial frenum) may swell and stretch between the front teeth. This might lead to frenum issues or tooth gaps. If this is the case, your doctor will perform a frenectomy. The goal of this treatment is to reduce the enlargement of the labial frenum. After that, orthodontic treatment is used to bridge the gap. Schedule an appointment for direct consultation with our specialists.