Anterior teeth refer to the teeth at the front of the mouth, the incisors, which are more generally referred to as the “front teeth.” Additionally, there are teeth in this row called the cuspids, mandibles, and maxilla. A primary function of the front teeth is to cut and rip food into smaller bits that are easier for the body to absorb.

What is the Anterior Side of Teeth?

These are the teeth closest to the front of the mouth, which are known as anterior teeth. This means that when you smile or talk, they are the teeth that are most visible compared to other parts of your teeth.

How many Anterior Teeth are in a Permanent Dentition?

There are a total of twelve anterior teeth in the mouth’s permanent front dentition. The canines, also known as cuspids, lateral incisors, maxillary and mandibular central incisors, and maxillary and mandibular central incisors make up the anterior tooth group.

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