No doubt a good diet influences your oral health, which in turn affects your confidence level. Keeping your teeth healthy and pearly white makes your smile ravishing.

Your diet plays a very vital role to keep them strong and healthy.

Thus, you should choose wisely before snacking because it directly affects so much.  Poor nutrition can lead to many oral and dental problems, especially decay.

Damage Starts with What Type of Food You Eat

The type of food you eat and drink are responsible for dental damage. Certainly, eating and drinking is crucial for living but it’s very important that you should also take special care of your dental health.

When you eat sugary food, it remains in your mouth. There are varieties of bacteria that live in your mouth. Beneficial bacteria helps in food digestion while harmful bacteria use this sugar from food and produce acids which are responsible for cavities.

The bacteria then form plaque, which is a soft, sticky and colorless material that forms on the surface. The acid in plaque can also eat away the enamel and gets inside the tooth. If this plaque is not washed away then holes called cavities may start to form.

Choose Wisely Before Eating

As we know that sugary products, unhealthy food and carbonated drinks are the main reason for decay so we should try our best to avoid this type of intake and brush twice a day to prevent plaque formation. Also try to avoid or limit these foods which are given below:

  • Citrus. Oranges, lemons, grapefruits etc all are acidic citric fruits full of vitamin C. But their acid can erode the enamel, making them more weak to decay and also bothersome to mouth sores. So eat and drink them in moderation and then brush after 30 minutes to avoid damage.
  • Candies. Hard candies also put you at risk because besides being sugary they can also trigger an emergency such as a chipped tooth. As they’re chewy too, so they can easily stick to your teeth for a longer time and cause decay.
  • Tea and Coffee. We should also use them in moderation because frequent drinks may cause discoloration and dry out your mouth.
  • Ice. No doubt, all it contains is water and doesn’t contain any sugary item but still don’t chew on it because it can also cause cracked or broken teeth.
  • Sports or Energy Drinks. As they sound healthy, but sugar is a major ingredient or component of these drinks. Instantly rinse your mouth if you have to take one drink.
  • Carbonated Drinks. In carbonated drinks, not only sugar is present but acids too. They enable plaque bacteria to produce acid that attack your enamel and cause damage.

Meet Dr. Ed Fawaz